You are a great photographer Tomasz. I can't find a single photo in here that doesn't give me strong feelings. I hope you' ve got the recognition you deserve far away in Poland.
Just found your blog today, and it is like finding a gem. What a treasure. We love Krakow! My wife and I were there only once, but it made a lasting impression! Wonderful photography! Thank you.
Hello, very nice photoblog.
I just wanted to ask you how do you put photos in large format in the main page of your blog: I tried and tried to do it ... without succes !
You are a great photographer Tomasz. I can't find a single photo in here that doesn't give me strong feelings. I hope you' ve got the recognition you deserve far away in Poland.
Just found your blog today, and it is like finding a gem. What a treasure. We love Krakow! My wife and I were there only once, but it made a lasting impression! Wonderful photography! Thank you.
No Jameson dobry jest dobry :)
Good eye, I like your look, very discrete yet direct
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